Friday, April 26, 2013

Fuun Saiki (Horse Gundam)

This Gundam (If you can call it that) is a horse and the pilot is a horse. This Gundam is from G Gundam. How they get the horse to understand what is happening I have no idea but I do know that the horse would be wearing a suit similar to those in G Gundam. The suits in G Gundam monitor the humans movements in what I believe is a form of zero gravity made by humans. This horse would not see anything close to it so the only way I think it could pilot would be through just regular walking and telling what it can and can't do by the way the horse would feel while piloting it. I still don't understand exactly how it would know or process things because the horse would be floating in this chamber (Sphere) that has screens to see what is happening. The screens though would show where the head is on the Gundam not where the horse is located in it. A human can at least think of how that would work because then it would be as if they were the unit because of the point of view though it would be harder to tell what movements do what. I don't think the horse would be able to process this. So I end this with still not knowing how this unit works because of a lack of information out on the internet and thinking it would be very hard to get the unit to work with the horse.

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