Friday, April 26, 2013


Fereshte(Top) is a organization that stays in the shadows. They Help Celestial Being as support. Their leader is Chall Acustica(Right) and over the series of different books she changes a lot(Looks) only in one she has brown hair and in the rest she has white.This is a bit different of a change but when she has brown hair she is like a teenager and when she has white she looks like an adult. Fereshte has multiple Gundams with GN drives but their main vehicle is a ship like the Ptolomios and is called the Euclides(Right). I still like the Ptolemaios 2 more. Overall I like Fereshte(Top) and their secrecy. I would suggest reading the Manga that they are in, called Gundam 00F. There are others but I have not been able to use them.

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