Friday, November 16, 2012

Gundam Seed

Gundam Seed is set in the middle of a war between Zaft and OMNI (Oppose Militancy and Neutralize Invasion) or the Earth Alliance are at war due to the Bloody Valentine war which was when a plant (Space Colony) was destroyed killing 243,721 civilians which most of them were Coordinators. The Bloody Valentine war was when OMNI launched multiple nuclear bombs at the plant Junius 7 located at Lagrange point 5. In all I would tell everyone who likes Gundam to read/watch Gundam Seed. The Manga is a little different in the order it tells things by a few scenes so if you did not want to read you will get the same amount of information from the show. If you want to know more about Gundam Seed go to the Gundam Wiki. The next blog will be on Gundam's Coordinators.

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